My Sexy Boss: A Bad Boy Office Romance Read online

Page 18

  “I don’t like playing games, Trace. Why are you really here? I mean, if you think you can just come over and get laid or something after not talking to me for two weeks, then you’re fucked in the head.”

  “I don’t play games, and I didn’t come over here for that. In the nearly two weeks that I stayed away from you, I realized something.” I took the last gulp of my beer.

  Her eyes narrowed and her arms pressed tighter against her chest. “What?”

  “I missed you like hell.” Her eyes widened and her arms relaxed a bit. “Yeah. You’ve been a permanent resident in my mind for quite a while. I want to spend time with you.”

  “What about your grandfather and the no-dating policy at work?”

  “Fuck it. I feel something for you that I never have for a woman, and I’m pretty sure you’re feeling it too. If we throw in the towel now, we’ll never know if what we had was real or just lust. I suspect it’s more than that.”

  “Do you really mean it? I don’t want you telling me this to charm your way into my pants. Men can be that way, and I’ve had my share of jerks.”

  I stood up and walked over to her, cupped her chin, tipped her head back, and kissed her soft, enticing lips gently. A small whimper from her was like a lightning bolt to my cock. Then I smothered her lips and delved my tongue into her warm mouth. She tasted like chocolate and I thrust deeper, fueled by the sexy noises she made.

  “Are you still mad at me?” The words brushed against her lips.

  “Yeah, but you’re a great kisser,” she murmured and looped her arm around my neck, pulling me closer.

  We kissed for a long time. I missed holding her, kissing her, and making love to her. I missed our conversations, listening to music together, and just being with her.

  After a long time, she pulled away and cocked her head. Her face was flushed and her lips were red, slightly swollen, and glossy from my kisses. She’s gorgeous.

  “I think we need to go slow. That may sound silly, but that’s what I want.”

  I smiled. “I can do slow. Wait… how slow?”

  She threw her head back and laughed, and I swept my lips over her collarbone, kissing the vibrating hollow at the base of her throat. I wasn’t sure what slow meant. I’d never gone slow with a woman in my life; I usually bagged a chick within twenty-four hours of meeting her—forty-eight tops. But Cierra was different, and if going slow was what she wanted and it made her happy, I was all for it.

  “I don’t know. Let’s just take it one day at a time.”

  We kissed some more, and then I told her I had to go to the bathroom. I had to take a break because, based on the way I was feeling and the way my dick was punching to get out, taking it slow wasn’t going to happen.

  When I came back out, the smell of garlic, onions, and olive oil hit me in the gut. Cierra stood by the stove, stirring something in a pot. I wrapped my arms around her small waist, looking over her shoulder at tomato sauce bubbling away.

  “It smells delicious.” I nuzzled her neck. “And so do you.”

  She sank into me and craned her neck so her mouth met mine. “I hope you can stay for dinner.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. Do you have any red wine? I can get a bottle or two.” KLJ Liquor was a neighborhood store down the hill and around the corner from her building. I’d been there many times before. It still blew my mind how many places I frequented that Cierra did too. It amazed me that we hadn’t run into each other before that night at Beta.

  “That’d be great. I bought some amazing sausage at Nico’s Market. He makes his own, and the recipe was his great-great grandfather’s. Have you ever been there?”

  “Yeah. It’s my go-to when I need an Italian sub fix. Did you get the spicy or mild?”

  “Both. I like to mix them.”

  I smacked her cute ass and left to buy the wine.

  When her apartment building came into view, I saw the Lexus parked on the side and quickly crossed the street. The guy in the car was staring at the glass doors, and before I was close enough, he got out of the car and went inside the vestibule. I went a few feet past the building until I was out of sight from the guy standing there looking at the buzzers, then crossed the street and came back down. The man’s foot held the door open a crack, and when I heard Cierra’s voice over the intercom, I lost it.

  Without thinking, I pulled open the door and the guy looked at me. “Why the fuck are you stalking Cierra?” I gripped his forearm.

  “Trace, is that you? Who’re you talking to?”

  The guy jerked out of my grasp and shoved me against the wall. I lost my footing and the two bottles of expensive Italian wine crashed to the ground. He stepped out on the sidewalk and rushed to his car.

  “Fuck!” I yelled.

  “Tell me what’s going on, Trace.” Worry laced Cierra’s voice, but I didn’t have time to explain anything. I sprinted after the jerk and just as he got in his car, I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out. He fell with a thud on the asphalt.

  “You sonofabitch!” When he came up, he swung at me and I ducked. Then he nailed me with a hard one to the side of my face.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw his other arm coming at me. I jerked back, avoiding one flying fist, but then another one clipped me. Hard.

  Drop to the ground. Roll clear. Stand. Not expecting it, I rolled a bit and came up quick, lunging for his midsection. He grunted when I jabbed at his rib cage.

  Then I lashed out, aiming for the bastard’s gut, and punched him over and over.

  The blows fell hard from both of us, our grunts and curses sharing one voice. Sweat mixed with blood trickled down my face. I licked my lips, which tasted like salty copper.

  Dimly aware of the front door opening, I pulled my arm back and slammed my fist into the asshole’s mouth with all my strength.

  “You fucking bastard!” he yelled as his hand went to his lips. Red stained his fingers.

  A woman screamed. I looked over and saw Cierra wide-eyed, breathing hard.

  “Stay where you are,” I said as I wiped the blood from my face with the back of my hand. I was too late. She dashed over to me.

  “You’re hurt.” She reached out and touched my face that was already starting to swell. She glanced over at the guy, who spun around and tried to get into his car.

  “No fucking way,” I said as I blocked his movement.

  “Cory? What the hell?” Cierra said.

  Cory? She knows this jerk?

  “Cierra. I came by to see you and this lunatic jumped me.”

  “You know him?” I couldn’t believe it. Then suspicions popped in my head like maybe she’d been dating him all along.

  She nodded. Her gaze darted to the car and recognition glimmered in her eyes. “It’s you. You’ve been watching me. Why?”

  He pushed me out of the way and opened the driver door. “I’m not having this conversation in front of this disturbed person. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He slid inside and slammed the door. We stood in the street watching him drive away until we couldn’t see the red taillights any longer.

  She hooked an arm around my waist. “Let’s go upstairs. I’ll clean you up.”

  Still in shock over the two of them knowing each other, I nodded and let her lead me back to her apartment.

  As she dabbed antiseptic cream over my cuts, my mind raced a million miles a minute. Has she been fucking this Cory dude?

  She kissed my forehead. “There, all cleaned up. But your face looks like a melon. What happened?”

  “I approached him and he shoved me. You saw the end result. How do you know the jerk?”

  “I met him at Tipsy Cow the night I bumped into you. He seemed nice enough, so we went out a few times. It was no big deal. I didn’t feel a connection to him the way I do to you. When we spent the weekend together, I knew I wouldn’t be going out with him again. I can’t believe he’s the one who’s been watching me. And it doesn’t make sense because that Saturday when I saw the car, he was out
of town. I don’t get it.”

  “How do you know he was out of town?”

  “He told me. I’d asked him to go to the launch with me and he said he couldn’t because he had a business trip.”

  “He lied.”


  I shook my head. “Maybe he didn’t want to go to the launch.”

  Her brows knitted together. “That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t he just tell me he didn’t want to go?”

  I snagged her around the waist and drew her close. “I don’t know. He’s a psycho. Did you sleep with him?” I had no right to ask the question, but the idea of him seeing her naked, running his hands over her body had eaten at me ever since I found out she dated him.

  “No. You’re the only man I’ve wanted to be with in almost a year.” She kissed me gently and I winced. “Does it hurt?”

  “Yeah, but that’s not going to stop me.” I kissed her back. “What’s the jerk’s last name?” I’d have Ivan look into his background. I wanted to make sure he stayed away from Cierra. I didn’t want anyone hurting her, and I’d make damn sure to protect her.

  “Bracker. He told me he was from St. Louis. You know, I never told him where I lived, yet he was here tonight.”

  I clenched my fist then winced. “He probably did some digging and found out where you lived. It’s not that hard. A few searches online is all it takes most of the time. Nothing’s private anymore. I’ll make sure he stays away from you.”

  “Just watch yourself. Are you going to be able to eat?”

  I nodded. “We don’t have any wine. The bottles broke when the fucker shoved me.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Cierra knew how to cook—the marinara sauce was killer. I helped clean up, and after an action film, I followed her into the bedroom. Going over to the window, I looked down on the quiet street, making sure the jerk hadn’t come back. I shrugged off all my clothes except my boxers and slid between the crisp sheets. She crawled over to me in her short pink nightie.

  “Can we just snuggle?” she asked.

  Snuggling wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. “Sure.” I tugged her close to me and tucked her under the crook of my arm. She rested her head on my chest and traced around my ink job.

  “I love your tattoo. It’s so beautiful and interesting. Would you get any more?”

  “Maybe someday. Your tat is sexy as hell. What about you? Would you get another one? I’d love for you to get one where only I can see it.” I lightly ran my fingers up and down her arm, loving the way her skin pebbled beneath my touch.

  “I’ll have to think about that.”

  We lay together talking for a long time. Her skin was softer than velvet, and her familiar scent filled me up. As her eyelids grew heavy, I bent down and kissed her hair. I held Cierra as she slept, the first time I’d been with a woman so intimately without fucking her brains out. It amazed me how much I enjoyed holding her and nothing else. Being with her was all that mattered.

  Cierra had done what no woman had been able to: she wiggled into my heart.

  And now that I had her, there was no way in hell I would ever let her go.

  She was mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  For the past two weeks, Trace wined, dined, and introduced me to his friends. We spent every night together, either at my place or his. Our time together was like a roller-coaster ride: thrilling, exhilarating, and euphoric. I wouldn’t have traded the time for anything. And something wonderful happened to me—I fell in love with him. Mad, passionate, crazy love, and it was both freeing and terrifying. I was scared he didn’t feel the same, or he’d run away if I told him. I didn’t want him to feel pressured or cornered by my feelings, so I chose not to share them with him. Even though we hadn’t known each other all that long, the love I had for him was real and deep. We’d had a connection from the beginning that pulled us like a magnet, and we were powerless to break the attraction.

  We still kept a low profile at work, but Trace told me he wanted me to meet his grandmother and mother. I couldn’t believe he wanted to take that step, but I was thrilled about it. My phone rang and I picked it up, expecting Trace’s voice on the other end.


  My heart sank—it was Cory. “What do you want?” It’d been a couple of weeks since the fight, and I really thought I’d never hear from him again, which was exactly what I’d wanted.

  “We need to talk. You’re making a big mistake trusting Trace Prescott. He’s using you.”

  “I think I can decide who I want to date. You need to let it go, Cory. I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but you’re a great guy and I’m sure—”

  “Don’t feed me with a bunch of platitudes. It’s beneath you.” Ice had crept into his voice. I shivered.

  “I have to go.”

  “He’s seeing Kelsey again.”

  I blinked rapidly as my thoughts scrambled to understand. Trace back with Kelsey? No way. But then I recalled how smug Kelsey had been acting when we went to our girls’ night out at the martini bar. I shook my head. There’s no way.

  “I know it’s shocking, but that’s the way he operates. He’s so used to getting everything he wants that he forgets how his actions hurt people. He’s an asshole, Cierra. You’re a fool to believe him.”

  “I have to go. I wish you all the best in your life.” I clicked off, but his words rang in my ears most of the morning. I hated the sliver of doubt that pierced my brain, though I knew I was being silly. Trace wouldn’t do that to me. I knew him, and he wasn’t the man in the tabloids, or the one Kelsey ranted about after their breakup. He was a decent, loving guy. He was my Trace, and he wouldn’t do that to me.

  Putting it out of my mind, I turned to the computer and began working on Absolute Glam. We’d gotten the account back when DGT agency couldn’t deliver what they’d promised. I was so thrilled with it that it made the day fly by. I couldn’t wait to meet up with Trace at my place later. He’d planned a dinner cruise with live entertainment for us, and I was beyond excited. That didn’t sound like a guy who’d gotten back together with his ex, did it?

  I was totally absorbed with the account when Lena, one of the clerks from admin, walked in. She smiled at me as she approached the desk.

  Looking all around, she leaned in and whispered, “Our boss has his hands full today.”

  Taking off my computer glasses, I swiveled to face her. “What do you mean?”

  “Some woman came upstairs when I was filling in for Chandra while she took her break, demanding to see Mr. Prescott. She said she was his girlfriend, but she wasn’t the one he took to the launch. He has them coming and going, even at work.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach. “His girlfriend?”

  “Yeah. The reason I came down here was because she’s your friend, the one who went to our company picnic last summer.”

  My mind reeled. Kelsey was the one who came to the picnic with me. Was Cory telling me the truth? “Kelsey?”

  Lena snapped her fingers. “That’s her name. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn’t quite get it out. Don’t you hate when that happens? I really hate it when I can’t remember movies and…”

  The rushing in my ears drowned her out. I couldn’t think. Without hesitation, I sprang to my feet, came around the desk, and went toward the door.

  “Where’re you going?” Lena asked.

  “I have to take care of something.” I walked out and marched down the hallway. If Trace had been two-timing me, I didn’t know what I’d do. I knew I’d kick his cheating ass to the curb, but I wasn’t sure what I’d do before that. Seething, I hurried over to the elevator and hammered the button to call it down, bouncing on the balls of my feet in a panic.

  “The elevators are off.” Lena called over to me. “They’re working on them.”

  “Shit,” I said under my breath, turning and heading for the stairs. Determination pushed me forward, and images of Trace and Kelsey fueled the
fire raging inside me.

  It was time for a showdown.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  There was a knock at my door and I lifted my head, grateful for the distraction.

  “Come in.” Lena ducked inside. As soon as I saw her expression, I knew something was up. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a woman here to see you. She’s waiting in reception and making quite a scene.”

  “What the fuck?” I muttered to myself, getting to my feet with concern. “Did she say who she is?”

  “No. She said she’s your girlfriend. I’ve seen her before but just can’t place where.”

  Kelsey immediately popped in my head. Was she that crazy to come to my office disrupting everything? I sighed. Yeah. Panic set in. The last thing I needed was her making a scene.

  “Bring her in,” I ordered. After our phone conversation, I hadn’t heard from her, so I figured she’d shelved the idea of reuniting and moved on. I’d been so busy at work and spending time with Cierra that I didn’t think anything about it.

  I smiled when Cierra flitted through my mind. She was so amazing, and I loved spending time with her. Another shocker for me since I’d never done that with other women. But then she wasn’t “another woman” she was Cierra.

  “Will do,” Lena said as she stepped out of the room.

  I collapsed back into my chair. Shit. How did she get in here in the first place? Didn’t we have some kind of sensors on the door that kept out all desperate exes? If not, then that would be the next kind of technology we poured our time and money into. I knew a hell of a lot of people who would pay for that. I’d buy twenty just for myself.

  A few minutes later, the door to my office burst open and Kelsey stood there looking at me with a tear-streaked face and wobbling lip. I got to my feet and ushered her in, closing the door behind her and hating that she’d exposed me to the inevitable office gossip that I was sure Lena was chomping at the bit to start spreading. If this got back to my grandfather, I’d never hear the end of it. Thomas Linder never mixed business with personal things, and having a weeping ex causing a scene at Velocity would justify a hanging at the gallows.