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My Sexy Boss: A Bad Boy Office Romance Page 11

  “Do you want to put something on?”


  The crackle of vinyl filled the air, and then the clear, haunting voice of Dylan broke through it. Trace came back to the couch, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes as the music played. His Adam’s apple vibrated as he mouthed the words to “Just Like a Woman,” and I wanted to run the tip of my tongue down his throat. I didn’t even notice that he’d opened his eyes until I sensed him looking at me. The blood rushed to my ears; his eyes were molten, burning with lust. I looked away, then met his gaze again. He blinked at me, a muscle tensing and then loosening in his jaw.

  “Why’re you sitting so far away?” He patted the spot next to him. “I don’t bite. Well, I do, but I promise I won’t unless you want me to.”

  My head reeled at the comment, and when I stood up, light-headedness made me sway and fall onto the couch. Catching me, he said in a low voice, “You always end up in my arms.”

  As he brushed his fingers against me, goose bumps sped across my skin. I sank in his hold and cocked my head to the left. He swept my hair from my neck and then kissed it, just below my ear. The kiss was soft, tender, and it took my breath away. Then he moved his lips down to my shoulder, leaving a trail of soft, feathery kisses in their wake. I moaned and he pressed me closer to him. I ran my hands over the curves of his stomach and down the corded muscles of his arms.

  “Cierra,” he murmured, the vibration of his lips scorching my skin.

  Nips, licks, and soft kisses peppered my shoulder, neck, and then back to my shoulder. As my arousal surged through my senses, I craved his lips on mine. I breathed him in and clenched my thighs together in a vain attempt to curb the pulsing.

  Then he slid his tongue up my neck, across my jawline, and his mouth crushed against mine. He kissed me hard and deep, breathing in each of my tiny moans and whimpers. Every inch of my body dissolved into his. My fingers tangled in his hair pulling him closer.

  “You’re irresistible.” His voice was raw and sent shivers through me. Parting my lips, our tongues entwined as he moved his hands down my back, cupping my ass.

  I arched my back, pressing my breasts closer to his hard chest, all the while our lips fused in raw passion. The way his kisses stole my breath and made my veins throb and my heart explode showed me that every other kiss I’d ever had in my life had been wrong. My body had never responded so hungrily to a man’s touch.

  When he started to ease me down on my back, my brain kicked in, flashing images of Trace with a bevy of women, Kelsey telling me how he cheated on her, and me scrolling for jobs. Even though my body wanted it, my brain just wouldn’t shut the hell up. I pushed him off me and rolled off the couch.

  Trace’s head flinched back and he rubbed his chin. “What’s going on?”

  I ran my hands up and down my arms. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  His brows knitted together. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that if we do, I know it’ll be awkward come Monday.” He ran his hand through his hair. “You know the policy at work, and I don’t want to be your dirty little secret.”

  Shaking his head, he stared at me. “You know you’d never be that.”

  “I don’t know. You do have a reputation, and Kelsey told me how you cheated on her,” I said softly. When his face whitened and he looked like I’d just punched him in the stomach, I silently cursed my bluntness.

  Standing up, he grabbed his jacket from the arm of the couch and walked to the door. His look penetrated through me. “I thought we’d gone beyond that, Cierra, but I was wrong. As for Kelsey, I wouldn’t believe everything she tells you.”

  Then he was gone. The silence was deafening. I ran to the window and watched him disappear around the corner. He hadn’t even looked back.

  Sherbet pink and tangerine streaks painted the sky as the sun began its descent behind the horizon. An orange haze cast over the moving ocean, reflecting off every wave. All around, buildings, houses, cars, and stores came alive with light, like someone had taken a handful of glitter and thrown it over the city.

  I touched my lips where his kiss still lingered, and sadness invaded my brain. I padded over to the record player and placed the needle on the record. Bob Dylan filled my small apartment, and I stood there listening to the music as tears spilled down my face.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Don’t you like your dinner?” Cory asked me as I picked at the eggplant parmesan.

  I put my fork down. “I do, but I’m not that hungry. I’ll take it home for tomorrow night.”

  “Is everything all right? You seem sort of down tonight.”

  I straightened my slumped shoulders. “I’m fine. It’s just work, that’s all. I was excited about working on this great account and it fell apart. I did a ton of work on it too.” I wasn’t lying—I was upset about the Absolute Glam account—but my brooding was more over Trace and kicking myself for pushing him away. My mind told me I did the right thing, but my body was pissed as hell at me. And Trace was doing a great job avoiding me at work. I couldn’t say I blamed him, and a part of me was relieved that I didn’t have to see him.

  “Why did the account fall apart?”

  “The client decided to go with another agency after they signed on with us. Not cool at all. They didn’t even look at my sketches.”

  He patted my hand. “That’s too bad. I’m sorry. Why did they pull out?”

  I shrugged. “I guess the other ad agency contacted them and made a better offer.”

  “So the client was stolen right under Velocity’s nose?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “What was your CEO doing while this was going on? Screwing his secretary?”

  Heat flushed through my body. “What the hell are you talking about? You don’t know anything. Mr. Prescott is a hard worker who has brought in a bunch of new clients. How would a client leaving because a two-bit agency offered something it’ll never be able to deliver be my boss’s fault? Screwing the secretary? How clichéd.”

  By the time I finished my outburst, I was sweating and breathing noisily. Cory just stared at me, the vein in his temple pulsing. It was like he was trying to control his anger, like he wanted to lash out at me but was keeping it at bay.

  “Well, your boss must be doing something right to have such loyalty from an employee. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

  I shook my head. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I shouldn’t have come out tonight. I’m not in the best mood, and it isn’t fair to you.”

  “Sometimes it happens. We can’t all be in a good mood all the time. I want to get to know you in all moods.”

  I smiled. A lot of guys would’ve told me off and the date would’ve been ruined. Maybe I should see where this goes with Cory. “The launch of a new cell phone by Vibra is this Saturday. I was the lead on the campaign. I’d love it if you’d be my escort. It’s going to be real snazzy, and all the big people in the industry will be there. It’s free drinks, food, and I got a live band to play at the event. It’s at the Four Seasons Hotel.”

  “It sounds awesome, and I’d love to go with you, especially since you worked so hard to bring it all together. You should be proud of yourself. But this weekend I have to fly to New York City to meet up with some investors on a big real estate project. I’m leaving Friday morning. I have to basically wine and dine and do some ass kissing to get them on board.”

  “That’s too bad. When are you coming back?”

  “Middle of next week and hopefully with the financial backing we need to fund the project.”

  I’d hoped Cory could’ve gone with me. I just had a feeling Trace would have a tall, buxom blonde on his arm for the event, and I didn’t want to go solo. Damn Trace. If Mr. Linder was still the CEO, I’d be perfectly okay with going to the launch without a date.

  “Are you finished?” The waiter’s question interrupted my thoughts.

  I nodded. “I’m going to take this home.”

  He scooped up my plate, saying, “I’ll get it all packed for you,” and then he was gone.

  For the next hour, I feigned interest in what Cory was saying, and I strained to be cheery and even perky. From the way he watched me, I was failing miserably. Too exhausted to keep up the charade, I picked up the bag the waiter had brought me and pushed back in my chair.

  “I need to get going. It’s late and I’m exhausted.”

  He nodded as he stood up and helped me with the chair. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it more fun for you.”

  “It totally wasn’t you. I just had too much on my mind and should’ve rescheduled. But I did enjoy the conversation and spending some more time getting to know you.”

  “I hope so, because I loved being with you. You’re an interesting woman who I’d like to get to know better. Do you think you can pencil me in before I leave on Friday?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m going to be crazy busy with the launch and all my other work. Let’s hook up after you get back next week.”

  He slipped my hand into his as we walked out of the restaurant. When we arrived at my car, he grabbed my shoulders and leaned me against it. “I really like you, Cierra.” He bent his head at the same time he placed two fingers under my chin and lifted it. When he came in for the kiss, I turned my face and his mouth landed next to mine. An exasperated sigh blew through his lips.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just not ready,” I said as my stomach churned.

  “For a kiss? That’s all I want.”

  I couldn’t. All I could think about was Trace and the way his kisses electrified me. It was absurd, because Cory wanted something more with me and Trace wanted an office fling, but it was Trace who made my heart race, my blood pump, and my stomach flutter. He was the one I dreamed and fantasized about. He was the one I craved. I wished I could’ve felt that way about Cory; it would’ve been a lot easier. But I didn’t.

  “You don’t like me?” he asked, slicing through my musings.

  “I do. I just want to take it real slow. I have so much going on right now, and I want to keep seeing you, but I need to go slow. I get it if you don’t want that and don’t want to see me anymore.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds that felt like an hour, and then he smiled. “I’m good with that. You know, waiting can be an aphrodisiac.”

  Again, Trace invaded my thoughts. That’s for damn sure. “Have a good trip. I hope everything goes the way you want it to.”

  I looked in the mirror and saw Cory standing there watching me until I turned and lost sight of him.

  For the next few days, I didn’t see Trace at all. The whole agency was a flurry of activity with the launch coming up, and six new clients signed, all thanks to our new CEO. He really was doing a fabulous job, and I was so damn proud of him that it took all my strength not to go to his office and tell him. It was better if we stayed apart as much as possible. Whenever we were around one another, something strong pulled us together like a magnet. I couldn’t let myself be his office break.

  “Ready for Saturday?” Sofie asked as she walked into my office.

  “Pretty much. I just can’t wait for it to come and be over with. I’ve been living and breathing Vibra for too long. Is Colin coming?”

  Her curls flew around her face as she nodded. “He’s so excited. He said it’s his first ritzy party since he’s been in America. He’s so cute.” She giggled.

  “He’s turning out to be a real good guy. I’m happy for you.”

  “Did you ask Cory?”

  “Yeah, but he left this morning on a business trip.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  I shrugged. “It’s okay. And I’ll be so busy with the event that if he were there, I’d feel guilty about neglecting him, so it works out. We’ll connect when he gets back next week.”

  “So things are going well?”

  “I guess. I think I’m just not ready for a relationship right now.”

  Sofie shook her head. “If Cory was the right one, you’d be ready.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “Are you ladies talking business or gossiping about our CEO? It seems like all the women around here are hung up on him,” Paul said as he entered my office.

  “We’re talking about the launch,” Sofie replied.

  “And why are you dissing Mr. Prescott? He’s turning out to be a strong and fair boss,” I said. Why did I feel the need to constantly protect Trace whenever anyone said something negative?

  “It just seems like he’s riding on the coattails of his grandfather. I’d be doing great too if I had all my connections because of who I was.”

  I clenched my fists and rose up in the chair. “Mr. Prescott has found new clients on his own. Mr. Linder didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  “And how do you know? Are you privy to everything he does?” Paul shot back.

  “You’re just jealous because the women are into him and not you.” Okay, a low blow, but he was asking for it.

  Paul stood blinking at us, red streaks forming on his neck and face. Shit. Trace is always getting me in trouble. I cleared my throat. “Sorry, Paul. I don’t know why I said that. It was out of line.”

  Sofie looked down at the floor. Paul tightened his tie. I sat back down. A strained silence engulfed us.

  “He’s a fucking asshole, and if I didn’t need this job, I’d have already quit.” Paul swung around and marched out.

  With wide eyes, Sofie said, “What the hell was that all about? He hates Mr. Prescott. I wonder why. I think Velocity is doing great with him in charge. We’ve picked up some cooler accounts that are a lot of fun to work with. In my opinion, Velocity needed a change. We need someone young and in tune with what’s going on with our generation.”

  “I agree. Paul’s reaction seemed a bit extreme, but I didn’t help by arguing.”

  “Mr. Prescott should’ve heard you defending him. I bet he would’ve given you a raise for it.” Sofie chuckled.

  I really need to stop being his number one fan. “I just think we should respect the head of the company, especially since he’s doing a good job.”

  “I agree. Paul acts like he has a bone to pick with Mr. Prescott.” Standing up, she said, “I better get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  After Sofie left, I stared blankly at the computer screen. I wonder if Paul is the snitch. The thought occurred to me when Trace told me about the internal leak. Paul seemed to have a real problem with Trace running the show, but I couldn’t see him as a turncoat. But then there was Doug Raley, who was very vocal about his dislike of Trace. I’d overheard him a couple of days before telling Gwen how he’d love nothing better than to have Mr. Linder back. He even went on to say that he’d rather have anyone other than “that womanizing sonofabitch.” Another extreme reaction.

  Trace seemed to be good at evoking strong feelings in people. They either loved or hated him; there was no in-between. He either charmed or pissed people off. I knew because he had me bouncing between the two. But to think of a coworker selling trade secrets to a competitor was mind-boggling. I’d worked with most of these people for the past five years. Gwen had only been with Velocity for a year, and she and Doug shared the same view of Trace. Maybe she was the one since she hadn’t been at the company that long. But then Ron Stillwater was also bitter about Mr. Linder leaving, and he made it clear that he didn’t support the decision to put in a “skirt-chasing, spoiled thirty-one-year-old.” Ron was from the old school of thought and had been with Velocity since its inception in the 1980s. I couldn’t see him being a traitor.

  I had to stop obsessing over it. There were several people who weren’t happy with Trace being in charge, but being unhappy didn’t translate to selling secrets to DTG. Then I remembered what Trace had said, that money could make people do anything, and suddenly so many coworkers became suspect.

  I wasn’t up for work
ing. I’d had a long week made longer by avoiding Trace, even going so far as asking to be changed from the Mission Street Kitchen to another soup kitchen on the other side of town. But I couldn’t avoid interacting with my boss indefinitely. I had to grow up and deal. We’d kissed and it was fucking amazing. So what? I let him walk out. So what? If I felt this crappy and nervous at work, I could only imagine what I would’ve felt like had I let my body have its way that night.

  Enough! I picked up the phone and called the nail salon. I’d planned to have a manicure and pedicure after work, but I was fried. I needed to cut out early and just forget about everything associated with Velocity for a little while. I needed to exorcize Trace from my mind—for the time being, anyway. Launch night would put us together no matter what, and I had to be prepared for that.

  Hooking my tote over my shoulder, I shuffled to the elevators. In less than ten minutes, I was out in the fresh air and heading to the nail salon. An afternoon of pampering was just what I needed. I had to be fresh, alert, and on my game for the following night. I couldn’t let my defenses down around Trace because if I did, I feared I’d be lost forever.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Ivan slurped his wonton soup while I poured both of us more tea. The savory scent of sizzling stir-fry wafted around us as we ate our lunch in Chinatown. Ivan loved Chinese food and Asian women, so whenever I suggested we meet for lunch, Chinatown was his choice—more specifically, Golden Lotus Restaurant.